Funny. Dangerous. Sexy. Comedy sketches from South Wales based comedy troupe Comedy Geek. Join Daniel Morgan, Amy Webber, Thomas Woodrow, Jamie Davies and Marie Edwards along with some very special guests from the world of comedy and entertainment as they shower you with funny and dry you off with a humorous towel.

Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Best of Season 2 - Comedy Geek Sketch Podcast
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
This special episode features highlights from Season 2 of the Comedy Geek Sketch Podcast (Jan 2019-Dec 2019).
We have selected the very best of our 2019 sketches for your listening pleasure! What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
Join Dan, Amy and Jamie along with a shed load of wonderful special guests from the world of comedy for this very special BEST OF episode!
Episode running order:
The Swearingtons (with Tom Rhys Evans)
Living the Dream (with Chris Chopping)
Death at the Garden Centre (with Steffan Alun)
A Chicken Named Beatrice (with Dan Thomas)
Model Behaviour (with Nathan Webb)
I'm Looking Right At You (with Stefan Pejic)
The Sarah Breese Museum - Part 1 (with Sarah Breese)
The Ultimate Sacrifice (with Nathan Webb)
MagnaniMousse (with Steffan Alun)
Princesses & Pirates Movie Trailer (with Stefan Pejic)
The Sarah Breese Museum - Part 2 (with Sarah Breese)
Weird Q&A Session (with Dan Thomas)
Mispronouncing Food in Wales (with Tom Rhys Evans)
Friendship Wigs (with Nathan Webb)
Compulsive Complimenter (with Chris Chopping)
- BONUS CLIP: Janet the horrible wedding guest sings Queen drunk
To find us on social media search for Comedy Geek Sketch Podcast. Why not visit our website at www.comedygeeksketchpodcast.com and check out all of our episodes to date. We have two whole seasons of this gold just waiting for you to discover it!
If you are new to our show, why not download our BEST OF SEASON 1 episode and listen to more of our most hilarious scripted comedy sketches.
The Comedy Geeks will be back with Season 3! See you soon!

Monday Oct 28, 2019
Halloween Special 2019 - S2Ep11
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Monday Oct 28, 2019

Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Sarah Breese Interview
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
If you've ever wondered "what's the best Travel Lodge in the UK?" then this is the episode for you! Join us for a lovely interview with standup comedian, writer, producer and performer Sarah Breese and listen to us munching on some delicious pizza as we chat about Sarah's busy fun-filled life as a comedy show producer, her experiences performing standup comedy, and her innate bike-repairing skills.
With series 2 of BBC Wales' hilarious Welsh tourism board mockumentary Tourist Trap about to air, we geek out and ask Sarah what its like working alongside the hilarious Sally Phillips and get a first-hand account of how this brilliant show - which also stars Welsh comedy stalwarts Tudur Owen and Elis James, a tremendous supporting cast and an array of glorious cameos - is put together.
We had tons of fun nattering, giggling and recording comedy sketches with Sarah and we are thrilled she could join us on the show as a special guest for our Halloween Special which goes live next week - be sure to subscribe to our channel for this spook-tacular comedy sketch extravaganza!
We highly recommend you follow Sarah Breese on Twitter @SarahBreese and check out her website www.sarahbreese.com for all her latest comings and goings. If you enjoyed this interview why not reach out and tell us what you thought? You can find us on Twitter @comedy_geek1 and on all the usual social networks.
To hear more great interviews with standup comedians and entertainers who have featured on our show check out www.comedygeeksketchpodcast.com and click on PODCAST to listen to all our past episodes. Or find us on your favourite podcatcher!

Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Geekanory Part 4: "L.A. Daggers" - S2Ep10
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Part 4 of our Geekanory special arrives with aplomb! This week's short story is read by standup comedian and podcaster Zach Williams and was penned by Daniel Morgan; a short story entitled "L.A. Daggers", which sees local journalist Ashley Quinlaven trying - and failing - to fit in backstage with Swansea's hottest rock group.
Zach is a great friend of our show and you will instantly recognise his mellifluous voice from the Most Best Podcast. If you haven't listened to this show before then we urge you to do so at once! Fans of the Comedy Geek Sketch Podcast may want to start with the episode Dan guested on... but they're all incredibly fun listens!
When he's not pursuing his quest to find the co-host with the mo-host, Zach can usually be found making people laugh in various locations on the South Wales standup scene with his unique brand of dark and musical comedy so be sure to go and watch him the first chance you get. You will be glad you did.
As always we encourage you to subscribe to our show and leave us a favourable review on your favourite podcast app - not only does it mean the world to us when we read your lovely comments but it also helps promote our comedy show to other potential listeners.
Why not visit our website at www.comedygeeksketchpodcast.com to see what other treats we have to offer!
The music on this episode was by Time Circus (check them out on Spotify or Apple Music).
The Comedy Geek Sketch Podcast are a proud member of Brit Pod Scene, a fantastic network of great British independent podcasts that we love very much! Visit www.britpodscene.com to discover more amazing listens.

Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
In this 3rd instalment of our Geekanory extravaganza, Comedy Geek cast regular Marie Edwards reads a short story written by Eleanor Freeman entitled "The Race to Not Sit Next to the Boss at the Work's Christmas Lunch", a tale of one woman's struggle to avoid becoming separated from the "fun crew" at the annual works festivities. Will she get stuck next to the boring accounts department, the smelly cleaner, or worse... the boss? You'll just have to listen and find out!
Eleanor Freeman lives with her husband, daughter and hamster Pootle in Warwickshire and has written many short stories, play and poems. She has just completed her first novel, set in the 14th century during the Black Death, and is also working on another novel set in a 19th century workhouse, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for these. When Eleanor is not writing about death and disease, she likes to lighten things up a little by watching and writing comedy, even taking the plunge and performing standup comedy under the mentorship of Phoenix Nights' Janice Connolly! Eleanor is currently living her dream (well, nearly!), by combining her love of writing with running her own career advisory service, 'Little Yolk'.
We were absolutely thrilled to receive this story from Eleanor and couldn't wait to include it on our show; we hope you enjoy!
This week's narrator, Marie Edwards, is known to many of our listeners as the delightful voice behind our highly peculiar agony aunt "Ask Angela" and we can assure you she will be back for more comedy sketch madness very soon. In the meantime why not visit our website at www.comedygeeksketchpodcast.com and check out all the previous episodes she's featured in! Oh go on, you know you want to!
And why not take the opportunity to subscribe to our show and leave us a favourable rating on your preferred podcatcher... we'll be your best friends!
The Comedy Geek Sketch Podcast are proud members of Brit Pod Scene, an online collection of the very best independent British podcasts. Visit www.britpodscene.com to discover more great British pods!

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Geekanory Part 2: "Sick Masterpiece" - S2Ep8
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Welcome back to part 2 of our Comedy Geek short story collection! This week on Geekanory, a short story written and read by Comedy Geek's very own Dan Morgan featuring a heartbroken down-on-his-luck artist who inadvertently creates a very spewy work of art.
As a comedy writer, Dan enjoys writing short stories and hopes to one day get something published. He is also working on a humorous novel don't you know! More on this in the future possibly!
Remember to subscribe to our podcast channel and check out the rest of our Geekanory shorts! You can visit our website at www.comedygeeksketchpodcast.com to hear these and all of our other comedy sketch and interview episodes. If you have the time, we'd love it if you could leave us a favourable review on your preferred podcast app - we'll be your best friends if you do!
The Comedy Geek Sketch Podcast is proud to be part of Brit Pod Scene, a collection of the very finest independent British podcasts. To discover to more great shows head to www.britpodscene.com.

Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Geekanory Part 1: "Mr Hyde with a Y" - S2Ep7
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Welcome to part 1 of Comedy Geek's fun-filled literary extravaganza! Put on your comfiest pants and snuggle up in your favourite armchair with Geekanory, a collection of hilarious short stories that we hope you will enjoy and share with your friends, written by some very talented collaborators and read by our own Comedy Geek cast.
Part 1 features a short story written by Robbie Sunderland entitled "Mr Hyde with a Y". Robbie has been a writer and performer on BBC Radio Norfolk's New Comedy show since its inception in 2015, going out on the last Sunday of every month, and you can listen to the latest episode on the BBC Sounds app and BBC iPlayer. Robbie is also the creator of some hilarious sketch comedy characters including football mastermind Bobby Chambrake, which you can watch on Punkanary's Comedy on Demand service: Bobby Chambrake's Soccer Skillz.
Why not follow Robbie on Twitter at @robbie_sun89, subscribe to his YouTube channel, and tell him how much you enjoyed his ghoulish comedy story on Geekanory.
And don't forget, the Comedy Geek Sketch Podcast now has its very own website at www.comedygeeksketchpodcast.com where you can listen to all previous sketch episodes of our podcast all the incredible special guest interviews we've done as well as watching our comedy videos.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Chris Chopping chopping (Kitchen interview)
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Turning Down Dinner With The Queen... Like a Boss - S2Ep6
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019

Monday Jul 08, 2019
Tom Rhys Evans Interview
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
He escaped from school on Day 1 and hasn't looked back since, it's twenty-laughs-a-minute-standup comedian Tom Rhys Evans!
If you've listened to S2Ep5 (Yo B****! Where You At?) then you will have heard Tom's mellifluous voice and infectious laughter on a bunch of our comedy sketches already! With his trusty acoustic guitar close at hand, we had a great conversation with Tom about being a standup comedian, some of the personal challenges he has faced in life as a youngster and as an adult, his love of music, and his move from South Wales to Liverpool.
Tom also treats us to some of his favourite comedy acoustic songs! Comedy and music... what else could you possibly wish for!
If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe to our podcast and consider leaving us a favourable review - it really is the best way to support our little show!
ALSO! We now have our very own website! Check out www.comedygeeksketchpodcast.com and listen to every single episode of our podcast, peruse our video gallery and meet the team!
The Comedy Geek Sketch Podcast are proud members of Brit Pod Scene, a collection of the finest independent podcasts in the UK.